About us

TTC TELEPORT has been on the market since 2001 and for its customers is synonymous with the best available quality and first-class support. TTC data centres are equipped with unique technology and the very latest equipment. After building its second data centre, TTC DC2, which is the biggest data centre not only within the Czech Republic but also in Central and Eastern Europe, TTC TELEPORT is now one of the biggest providers of data centre services in Europe. TTC TELEPORT is considered a market leader in technology and education.
TTC data centres boast not only top-of-the-range technology and first-class customer support, but also ingenious security features and an open and transparent business model. They are characterised by their great professionalism and highly flexible services based on the practical requirements of our customers. Our open and fair approach to our customers is our mark of quality.

We are changing the world of data centres – we do most things differently. We offer a completely open and honest business model, where customers only pay for what they use. Customers design their services themselves; we just operate them. We present a new perspective on the quality of the services we provide (SLA agreements) and a transparent system for disclosing operational information (Customer Portal). Customers can check up on us online not only in the service they use, but also in other operational sides of the data centre.
From professionalism to mastery. We are moving from being a professional to being a master. A master is more skilled than a professional and this impresses us. A master listens to people, customers, suppliers, the community and the surroundings. A master spreads wisdom, peace, balance, humility and well-being. A master and those around him are in balance and everyone works together with a purpose, not just to achieve a goal, but for the journey that leads to it. Our journey is now directed towards mastery. We will be very glad if you support us in this.
With technology to man and nature. Our profession could not get by without technology. However, we strive to bring man and nature in amongst all those cables, air-conditioning, circuit breakers, pumps and other equipment. We know how to design, build and operate technology and to optimise it step by step so that it harms people and nature as little as possible. Technology helps us to create a service for the customer, but over time it is changing. You can only communicate with air-conditioning via a control panel about what the air-conditioning wants, but a person can talk to another person about anything. That is why man is more important to us, as well as his vision and the bond between man and nature. Nature and its balance will only give us what we deserve.

We are a decent firm; basic respect for man, the environment, the customer and our suppliers is second nature to us.
The people we employ do meaningful, useful and honest work. We support all our employees in making the most of their natural talent.
Customers have the free choice to decide what quality product to create and purchase through us. They are not pushed or persuaded to opt for any cookie-cutter solution; each customer creates their service together with us to ensure the utility value of the final product. We provide open and transparent information to assist in this. Our brand is associated with the principles of neutrality – Carrier Neutral. We never compete with our customers in anything.
We work together with suppliers who assist us in educating the market and developing social and environmental activities aimed at reducing the environmental burden.
We are active in education within the community. We are always ready to share our innovative procedures in operations, technology, business and our environmentally-friendly approach to work and life.
We are constantly striving to reduce the environmental burden of our work. We are streamlining and improving the operation of our data centres, which reduces the consumption of electricity, water, heat and other commodities. We generate as little waste as possible.
We play fair on the market. We do not hide our shortcomings or conceal the fact when that we are unprepared. We’re not perfect in everything, but we strive to do our very best. Every good or bad day is a learning experience for us, it inspires us motivates us to come up with better and better innovations in everything we do. We write as we live – we live as we write.
Feedback from people, nature, customers and suppliers is the fruit of our efforts.

Carrier Neutral – the key advantage of TTC TELEPORT data centres is that they are independent of telecommunication service operators and providers. We do not compete with our customers and offer them a wholly independent data centre.
Business model – based on the actual needs and requirements of our customers. With us, you only pay for what you use, i.e. a monthly fee for the space used for your equipment and a variable charge for energy depending on how much you consume.
Operational experience – another great advantage is that we employ qualified staff with years of experience in the operation of data centres. We have been operating data centres for our customers for 22 years now. The quality of our work is supported by the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 20000 and ISO 27001 standards.
First-class customer support – we cater to our customers’ every need. What is particularly important is our individual honest approach to every customer. We are interested in what our customers need and work with them to create services that customers find useful.
Connected up to the world – TTC TELEPORT data centres are based on backbone optical-fibre routes that are routed all over the world. TTC TELEPORT data centres can offer you any telecommunications service from leading telecommunications operators.
We are the leading Czech provider of collocation services. Approximately 60 % of all Czech internet traffic originates in our data centres. We are one of the most modern facilities of this type in Europe, which is we companies from all over the world host their data with us.

The price of a collocation service (rental of space) generally consists of:
- a one-off (installation fee),
- a monthly charge for the rack position (regular flat-rate monthly fee),
- the cost of electricity used (variable part of price).
Mathematical equation for calculating the variable part of the price:
PCH per 1 kWh [CZK] = PPES per 1 kWh [CZK] * PUE (monthly)
PCH = Price charged
PPES = Purchase price from electricity supplier
The PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) coefficient indicates the effectiveness of the data centre in any given month. It is calculated as the ratio between the total amount of energy consumed by the data centre and the energy consumed by customers’ technology.
As the customer, you pay the basic monthly fee plus the variable sum to cover energy, charged on the basis of how much you consume. The result is a timeless concept for providing collocation services, which is designed to cater to various groups of customers with a wide variety of needs. Our business model, where you pay for the energy you actually use, is transparent and the only system that is fair to all customers.
The price of the CROSS CONNECT service is only charged once, as a set-up fee. We do not charge any additional (monthly or yearly) fees.

We provide individual services aimed at meeting the actual needs and requirements of our customers. We always discuss the technical aspects of the service with the customer and each customer sets their own actual service parameters. This gives customers the freedom to decide what quality service to create and purchase through us. We do not push or persuade our customers to opt for cookie-cutter solutions. We always provide completely open and transparent information to ensure that the resulting service is useful to the customer. We can offer our services in an endless range of varieties.
Customers can, for instance, choose:
- the type and manufacture of the racks to house their equipment in,
- individual electric and cooling power for each rack separately,
- the power type and number of power sockets and circuit breakers,
- the option to have closed hot or cold aisles (HD zone) or individual ambient temperatures,
- secure physical access to the customer’s room,
- the level of physical security for customer equipment (e.g. reserved, confidential or secret),
- personalised access to monitored variables,
- guaranteed service level (SLA type),
- LONG-HANDS service parameters,
Each customer has their own specific needs, on which we based the offer, implementation and operation of our service. Our customers only pay for what they need and use.

The key advantage of TTC TELEPORT data centres is that they are neutral and independent of operators and telecommunications services.
We provide exclusively housing and housing-related services. We are ready to assist our customers in choosing suitable providers of other services. Our consultancy in this field is neutral and is not based on any agreements with providers. We can help you find your way around the various options, but the choice of the actual provider is entirely down to you.
There are countless national and international telecommunications service providers in TTC TELEPORT data centres. We will be happy to put you in touch with your preferred telecommunications operator.